"The salvation of souls must always be the highest law in the church..." Cannon 1752
This ministry is offered to anyone who is divorced or already remarried who would like to undertake the declaration of nullity process. Anyone divorced who would like some spiritual closure is invited to consider this process.
"I am the living bread ... whoever eats this bread will live forever." John 6:51
Bereavement ministers meet with the family to assist in the planning of the liturgy for the funeral Mass. Funeral ministers participate in the Mass to assist the priest, distribute the Eucharist and act as greeters.
We provide a framework of physical and spiritual support for individuals who are contemplating divorce or have recently gone through a separation or divorce. When necessary, feelings of separation from the Church are also addressed.
This ministry was formed to promote awareness and to provide education about the impact of domestic violence, and to provide resource information and support to those effected by domestic violence.
"During those days Mary set out and traveled to the hill country...and greeted Elizabeth." Luke 1:39-40
The Elizabeth Ministry is designed to support women and their families during the joys, challenges, and sorrows of the childbearing years.
Ministers offer prayer and blessings, direct service, peer support, mentoring, educational materials, spiritual nourishment and inspirational resources to women in the faith community. We offer the Rosebud prayers in the niche in the back of church. Handmade baptismal bibs are also made and gifted to all children on their Baptism day at the parish.
"Making the transition from living in presence to living in separation." The Heart of Grief , Thomas Attig
We suggest healthy coping skills for those adjusting to the changes in body, mind and spirit that accompany grieving as we try to understand the process. We allow those involed to express their feelings in a safe environment, facilitating the healing process.
"...I was ill and you cared for me.." Matthew 25:35-36
Qualified and passionate ministers visit parishioners who are sick and/or living with significant challenges in life, providing them with spiritual and emotional support in the name of Christ and the company of Prince of Peace.
"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink..." Matthew 25:35
Ministers give from the hearts of their time and talent to serve God by serving others. The ministry provides meals for those recovering from loss, illness or the celebration of birth.
"...Choose life, then, that you and your descendants may live." Deuteronomy 30:19
We work to make the parish a center of life, a place where parishioners understand the issues and the importance of meeting the needs of those who are most vulnerable - especially mothers and their unborn children, the aged, and those who are seriously ill or dying, and their families.